Scientific visiting for 3rd year students of the navigation engineering and guidance branch to the General Company for Air Navigation Services



 In pursuance of the directives of the Head of Electromechanical Engineering Department Dr. Hosham Salim Anead in supporting and developing the educational march, the Department of Electromechanical Engineering organized a scientific visitng for the 3rd stage students of the Navigation Engineering Department to the General Company for Air Navigation Services under the supervision of the Head of Branch, And members of the scientific visits committee.

The visit was aimed at linking theoretical and practical studies in the company. The subject is related to the theoretical material and the radar systems (available radars, antennas of all types, transmitters and receiving devices in general), navigation theory and systems (control tower devices, navigational systems available and satellites).

 The students were accompanied by the officials and engineers who are specialists (electricity and mechanics) of the company and the work of presenting the scientific subjects and a questionnaire to the students to know the extent of student acquisition of the scientific material in the field of specialization has visited students important places in the company and to know closely the equipment and equipment used and the duty of the company within the Ministry transportation.

In conclusion, it was agreed to develop future plans for scientific visits and summer training and the work of a joint committee between the University of Technology / Electromechanical Engineering Department and the General Company for Air Navigation Services to develop the vocabulary of the curriculum to serve the company to provide future employment opportunities for students in the said company.










