Discussion of the master's thesis entitled “Fusion of GNSS IMU and laser device to find the location of a far object in 3d geographic coordinate”
The Department of Electromechanical Engineering discussed the master's thesis “Fusion of GNSS IMU and laser device to find the location of a far object in 3d geographic coordinate”, submitted by the student Muhammad Amer Hamid
The thesis included a theoretical section on determining navigational sensors and their accuracy and then designing a system to detect the coordinates of a distant object by integrating several measuring devices and collecting navigational data to reach the new coordinates at a relatively low cost and with minimal measurement errors
The discussion committee chairman was Prof. Ghaida Qayna Salih. The committee members were Prof. Dahidar Khudair Latif and Prof. Wissam Ismat Abdel Latif. The supervisors were Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Qasim Muhammad and Asst. Prof. Dr. Aqeel Ali Wanas
The discussion concluded with the awarding of a master's degree with a Very Good grade