Dr. Samar Jaafar

Dr. Samar Jaafar

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The Department of Electromechanical Engineering held a consolation meeting on the honor of Dr. Shaker Hammadi



     On the 3rd of September 2019, The Department of Electromechanical Engineering held a solace meeting to commemorate Dr. Shaker Hammadi. The attendees expressed their grief over the loss of one of the most important scientific professors at the University of Technology and asked God the  forgiveness for him.

















Beginning of the Second try exams for the undergraduate students of the Department of Electromechanical Engineering 



        On the 3rd of September 2019, second try exams (2018-2019) for the commonalty undergraduate students of the Department of Electromechanical Engineering have been started for all the Department’s branches years.

         The head of the Electromechanical Engineering Department, Prof. Hisham Salim Anid, has been monetarizing the exam halls since the first day and emphasizing the importance of providing all the needs to create the necessary conditions and an appropriate atmosphere within the exam’s halls; as well as, he is expressed his wishes to the students to success
















The President of the University honors the head of the department and a number of faculty members in the celebration of the publication of scientific research




The President of the University of Technology Dr. Emad Mirza Al Husseini, honored the head of Electromechanical Engineering, Dr. Hisham Selim Anyed, and a group of faculty members in Electromechanical Engineering department  in the celebration of the success of the 250-strong research initiative at the Clarevet International Magazines (2018-2019)  in University Theater on Sunday 30/6/2019.

The President of the Department was honored by the President of the University with the ceremonial shield for the outstanding role, continuous support and active participation in the support of the University of Technology and the Scientific Journey, as well as the recognition of Prof. Dr. Jalal Mohammed Jalil, Prof. Dr. Rakeem Ismail Ibrahim, Dr. Gamal Abdel Karim Mohamed, Dr. Mohamed Jawad Mohamed, Dr. Adnan Gharib and Dr. Hussein Saad Abd were awarded certificates of appreciation for publishing a number of researches during the initiative period in the Clarevet containers.





















   The electromechanical engineering department team wins the championship for the second year in row 


   The Electromechanical Engineering Department team won the basketball championship for the second year in a row after winning the Computer Science Department team’s in the final (51-31). The team started his winning the first-round match VS the Applied Sciences team (21 - 0) to qualify and meet the mechanical engineering team and won (33 – 10). In the semi - final the team played VS the Department of Civil Engineering, and the game finished (16 - 7) before playing the final.


















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